Our silage film stands out for its unique attributes, a product of years of experience, knowledge, and rigorous trials. Our high-performance silage wrap is expertly engineered to offer top-tier preservation for your forage crops.
Our silage film stands out for its unique attributes, a product of years of experience, knowledge, and rigorous trials. Our high-performance silage wrap is expertly engineered to offer top-tier preservation for your forage crops. When applied in multiple layers, it forms a secure seal, creating an anaerobic environment that facilitates fermentation and preserves the crop as silage. This preservation method is instrumental in maintaining the nutritional quality of the forage, serving as a valuable feed source for livestock during times of scarcity. Our silage film effectively shields against air and moisture, warding off spoilage and ensuring the efficient storage of fodder over extended periods.
Benefits & solutions
✔️ Maximum Preservation of Nutrients. ✔️ Minimized Spoilage and Mold.